If you have a child who is seven years old or less, you have a great chance that you will make him master a new language easily and without complication 2

Science says that almost all children pass through (a critical period) from the age of two to seven. Why did you stay? Because they have fast nervous circuits.
For example, a two-year-old child has twice as many brain connections (synapses) as an adult does.
Education experts also confirm that children who have not yet entered adolescence have a great chance of mastering the Accent skill that native speakers speak with.
And that’s why we are here at (Learn with Fares) offering you completely free lessons, through a realistic model of an Arab child at the age of 5 years who speaks English fluently, leaving the Arab region and entering neither international schools nor language nurseries.
Just that he was given the right method and tools to acquire the skill.
Encourage your children and motivate them to watch the videos on our account, and you will see for yourself the difference and how their language will develop.. With us, step by step and in detail, your children will speak English exactly like the (native).